Event - Detail

  • Conference & Networking Lunch: REACH&CLP: Implementation and future challenges for companies

    The REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg, a national service provided by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, is pleased to invite you to its next information sessions entitled "Conference & Networking Lunch REACH&CLP: Implementation and future challenges for companies" on Thursday, 14th December 2017 from 12:30 to 17:00

The conference consists of two parts that will focus on:
  1. The latest developments of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals) and CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures) and provide you with an update of the key points (REACH&CLP Helpdesk).
  2. The following special topics will be presented:
             o The link between REACH and the Occupational Health and Safety legislation (European Commission, DG Employment)          o The 2018 REACH registration deadline for small tonnages (1 - 100 tonnes/year): advice on the different steps to achieve a successful registration (European Chemicals Agency, ECHA);          o The latest developments on nanomaterials under REACH (REACH&CLP Helpdesk);          o Substitution of hazardous chemicals under REACH with the latest development of ECHA’s substitution strategy (ECHA) and funding possibilities in Luxembourg (Luxinnovation). Minister for the Environment, Ms Carole Dieschbourg, will honour us by introducing the second part of this conference. Prior to the conference, you are invited to a networking lunch where you can discuss in a relaxed atmosphere with the team of the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg, the speakers and the other participants.


    This event is addressed to all companies (manufacturers, importers and downstream users of chemicals), as well as national authorities and consulting companies active in the field of REACH and CLP.


    12:30 Welcome & Networking lunch
    13:30 Opening welcome – 1st part René Wikin, Director of Fedil, Luxembourg
    13:35 Introduction Lucien Hoffmann, Director of Environmental Research and Innovation department (ERIN), Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg
    13:40 Programme Laurène Chochois, REACH&CLP Helpdesk, Luxembourg
    13:45 REACH&CLP: current status, next steps of the different procedures Arno Biwer, REACH&CLP Helpdesk, Luxembourg
    14:05 Health and safety at work Connecting OSH with REACH on worksplace risk assessment and risk management Alick Morris, Policy Officer, European Commission DG Employment, Luxembourg
    14:35 REACH 2018 registration deadline – Last advice for companies István Mák, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Finland
    14:55 Closing words Carole Dieschbourg, Minister of Environment, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructures (MDDI), Luxembourg
    15:05 Q&A
    15:15 Coffee break
    15:45 Regulatory aspects of nanomaterials Ruth Moeller, REACH&CLP Helpdesk, Luxembourg
    16:00 Substitution to safer chemicals Ruth Moeller, REACH&CLP Helpdesk, Luxembourg
    16:10 The challenge of substitution – Financial aid for research, development and innovation Pascal Fabing, Head of national funding, Luxinnovation, Luxembourg
    16:25 Q&A
    16:35 Conclusion Laurène Chochois, REACH&CLP Helpdesk, Luxembourg
    16:40 End

    Practical Information

    Date: Thursday 14th December 2017

    Languages: French and English

    Schedule: 12:30 to 17:00

    Duration: 4,5 hours

    Venue: Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg | 7, rue Alcide de Gasperi | L-2981 Luxembourg

    Registration fee: The registration is free of charge, but mandatory. You’ll receive a confirmation email one week before the event.

    Registration: Please register online before 5th December 2017 and inform us as soon as possible about any cancellation.

