The ECHA Cloud Services is a way to prepare the REACH registration dossier directly on a secure online platform without having to install the entire programme. The service is built within ECHA’s IT infrastructure and the use of encrypted communication, regular security audits and updates of all the components assure the safety of your submitted cloud data.

This version of the cloud is targeted at SMEs and consultants that are preparing the dossiers for their clients. The service comes with up to 1 GB storage capacity and can be launched anywhere to prepare and validate your dossier online. The function “IUCLID Cloud client” can be used to access all IUCLID 6 functions and is free of charge as there are no costs for installation or maintenance.

See below the advantages of the IUCLID Cloud as well as support material and the link with which to get access to the IUCLID Cloud.

The IUCLID Cloud facilitates a transparent and easy way for consultants to prepare the REACH 2018 dossier online for their clients.

Through the IUCLID Cloud Services, consultants and their SMEs clients can collaborate more transparently to prepare for the REACH 2018 registration deadline. SMEs can easily give consultants access to their data in the IUCLID Cloud. Transparent collaboration helps SMEs to better understand the data submitted for registration and to be fully prepared for future updates.

See below the advantages of the IUCLID Cloud as well as support material and the link with which to get access to the IUCLID Cloud.

The data is stored at ECHA and the functionality is updated automatically. The ECHA Cloud comes with fully managed back-ups, a 24/7 availability of service and lots of supporting material:

IUCLID Cloud - Simpler chemicals data management