Event - Detail

  • AskREACH for retailers – Managing SVHCs in articles on your shelves and the “Right to know” of your clients

    The REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg offers retailers (i.e. importers, distributors and b2c retailers) a webinar on the obligations regarding the REACH Regulation, Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in articles and the possibilities of the LIFE AskREACH project in the support on these legal obligations. The webinar will be held online on October 12th, 2021 at 14:00-15:30 CET.

The AskREACH project aims at helping article suppliers and retailers to be compliant on their communication duties on SVHCs according to the European Chemicals Regulation, REACH. Article 33 REACH stipulates that suppliers of articles containing SVHC in a concentration above 0.1% (w/w) must provide this information to their (professional) customers, as well as information to allow the safe use of the article. It also determines the consumers’ right to request and obtain this information from a supplier (e.g. a retailer). To read more about the AskREACH project visit the project website at www.askreach.lu or the dedicated page of the REACH&CLP Helpdesk website.

Some companies might have already received consumer requests via the Scan4Chem smartphone application that has been launched in the framework of the AskREACH project. REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg proposes an opportunity for retailers to understand their obligations and get to know how the AskREACH project can help them to answer the consumer requests sent via the Scan4Chem app.


The event is aimed at all companies importing or selling articles, and is especially targeted to b2c retailers wishing to facilitate the communication of SVHC information of their articles towards their clients, regardless of the presence or non-presence of these substances in their articles.


The event will consist of a short theory part on REACH requirements for substances in articles, a description of the AskREACH tools and the content of the supporting offer for retailers interested to receive free-of charge support to comply with their communication duties according to REACH Article 33(2).

This event will be held partially in English and partially in French. Please consult the program for further details.

13h50 Online welcome
14h00 Mot de bienvenue/Welcome
Oona Freudenthal, Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN), Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
14h05 Vos obligations REACH en tant que fournisseur d'articles et détaillant
Laurène Chochois, REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
14h30 Questions & answers
14h35 AskREACH – Strengthening b2c communication around SVHC
Oona Freudenthal, Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN), Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
14h50 AskREACH for retailers – How to get started on fulfilling the duty on consumer’s “Right to Know”

Ingrida Bremere, BEF Latvia

15h05 Questions & answers
15h10 A retailer’s experience on the “Consumer’s Right to Know”
Besa Kokonozi, Chemical Customer Service, Decathlon France
15h20 Questions & answers
15h30 Fin/End


Practical Information

Date: Tuesday 12 October 2021

Format: Online Conference

Language: French and English

Schedule: 14:00 – 15:30

Registration fee: the registration is free of charge, but mandatory

Oona Freudenthal, REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg | oona.freudenthal@list.lu

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