Event - Detail

  • Substitution of hazardous chemicals – Training on decision support tools to assess hazard and sustainability of chemicals and alternatives

    The REACH CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg offers companies that use hazardous substances a training on tools to assess and compare chemicals hazardous properties and sustainability as decision support for replacing hazardous substances with safer substances. It will be held in English on April 12, 2018 (13h30-17h00) at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in Belvaux.

In light of the increasing importance of this challenge to replace hazardous substances, the REACH&CLP Helpdesk offers a training to support companies, in particular SMEs, providing:
  1. A global vision of the available databases containing information on the hazardous properties and regulatory scrutiny on substances used in their company,
  2. A clear understanding of what information you should gather and how you could check the completeness and accuracy of your SDS,
  3. An idea on how to apply the appropriate health and safety measures at your workplace,
  4. A first impression of the available tools to compare alternative chemicals and choose the best options,
  5. An interactive practical session (at computer station) using the Column model and COSSH Essentials.


The event is aimed at all companies, in particular SME, wishing to acquaint themselves with databases providing information on hazards and regulatory status of substances as well as the various tools for analysing substitution possibilities.


Please find below the programme.
13:30Introduction and overview of the different steps of the substitution processRuth Moeller, REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
13:45Information sources: where to find regulatory and hazard information on chemicals?Anna-Lisa Heinvetter, REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
14:15Overview on tools that can be used to assess and compare chemicals and how to check the completeness and accuracy of your SDSClémence Varret, REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
15:00Coffee break
15:30Practical exercise checking completeness and accuracy of your SDS using simple tools (column model, COSHH) with SDS brought by participant
16:45Questions and anwsers

Practical Information

Date: Thursday 12th April 2018

Language: English

Schedule: 13:30 to 17:00

Duration: 3,5 hours

Venue: Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology | 41, rue du brill | L-4422 Luxembourg

Registration fee: The registration is free of charge, but mandatory. You’ll receive a confirmation email one week before the event.

Registration: Please register online before 7th April 2018 and inform us as soon as possible about any cancellation. The training is limited to 15 persons.

