Authorisations granted for various uses of three substances

The European Commission has granted authorisations for seven uses related to three substances. The authorisations (expiry date of review period given in brackets) are for:

  • bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether (diglyme), granted to Maflon SpA (22 August 2029);
  • chromium trioxid, granted to Euro Cryospace France (21 September 2024);
  • chromium trioxide, granted to Circuit Foil Luxembourg SARL (21 September 2024);
  • chromium trioxide, granted to FN Herstal SA, Manroy Engineering Ltd and Browning Viana Fabrica de Armas e Artigos de Desporto SA (21 September 2029; 21 September 2024);
  • 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC), granted to emp Biotech GmbH (22 November 2029); and
  • 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC), granted to Grupa Lotos SA (22 November 2029).