Conferences on the law on research and innovation aid scheme

In collaboration with the professional chambers, the Ministry of Economy invites you to two public conferences presenting the support measures for companies as provided in the framework of the law on aid schemes for research, development and innovation.

Dedicated to craft companies, the first conference will take place on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at the premises of the Chamber of Crafts while the second conference will take place on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at the Chamber of Commerce.

At these two conferences, the detailed rules for the application of research, development and innovation aids, the conditions of eligibility for such aids and changes to previous aid schemes will be presented in detail. Participants will be able to address their questions to the experts present as well as to entrepreneurs who have already benefited from the aid schemes in question.

Context: Entered into force in June 2017, the law on aid schemes for research, development and innovation is intended to encourage companies of all sectors of activity, regardless of their size, to invest in R&D projects and increase their innovation efforts.

Both events are open to the general public and the participation is free of charge. The presentations will be given in Luxembourgish with a simultaneous translation in French.

For further information, a presentation on the existing funding opportunities in Luxembourg, to support companies making the move to replace hazardous products, was made by Luxinnovation at the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg annual conference. This presentation is available on the dedicated event webpage.

Further information can be found on the website.