Feedback on the Lunch meeting “Biocides intended for the healthcare sector - Focus on regulation, labelling, and distribution”
The REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg, in collaboration with the Environmental Administration (AEV), organised on the 4th of June a lunch meeting on biocides in the healthcare sector, attended by 30 participants.
This information session was an opportunity to receive an update on the current state of the regulatory context surrounding biocidal products. In this regard, the Environmental Administration reminded the participants of the definition of a biocidal product with a focus on products used in the healthcare sector. This was followed by an update with the current state of knowledge of all obligations related to the evaluation of the active substances and the authorisation that is needed to put the final product on the market. The second part of the afternoon had the aim to inform the participants of the communication obligations, particularly with regard to the labelling of the products.
The presentations are now available and can be downloaded on the event’s dedicated webpage.