New substance evaluation conclusions published
New substance evaluation conclusion documents are now available for:
- methacrylic acid, monoester with propane-1,2-diol, added to the CoRAP list in 2014 and evaluated by France;
- 1,2,4-triazole, added to the CoRAP list in 2015 and evaluated by Belgium;
- 1,3-diphenylguanidine, added to the CoRAP list in 2012 and evaluated by France;
- benzyl alcohol, added to the CoRAP list in 2016 and evaluated by Germany;
- reaction mass of O,O'-diisopropyl (pentathio)dithioformate and O,O'-diisopropyl (trithio)dithioformate and O,O'-diisopropyl (tetrathio)dithioformate, evaluated by Belgium; and
- 2,3-epoxypropyl neodecanoate, added to the CoRAP list in 2015 and evaluated by Denmark.