New substances on candidate list

On the 21st January 2025, ECHA added five new substances to the candidate list due to their hazardous properties.

The concerned substances are:

  • 6-[(C10-C13)-alkyl-(branched, unsaturated)-2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl]hexanoic acid;
  • O,O,O-triphenyl phosphorothioate;
  • Octamethyltrisiloxane;
  • Perfluamine;
  • Reaction mass of: triphenylthiophosphate and tertiary butylated phenyl derivatives.

Furthermore, ECHA updated the entry of Tris(4-nonylphenyl, branched and linear) phosphite.

Importers and producers of articles must notify ECHA if their articles contain one of the substances included on the candidate list at the latest 6 months after the date of inclusion.

Further information is available in ECHA’s press release.