Feedback on the online session on the declaration of hazardous mixtures in Luxembourg
On the 20th February 2024, nearly 50 participants attended the online conference on the declaration of hazardous mixture in Luxembourg, organised by the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg.
This information session was an opportunity to inform companies once again about their obligations to declare hazardous mixtures in accordance with Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation, as since 1st January 2024, all new notifications of mixtures intended solely for industrial use (in addition to consumer and professional use) must comply with the harmonised format. This session also reviewed the way in which companies must declare hazardous mixtures placed on the Luxembourgish market. In addition, this session gave companies the opportunity to learn more about the problems the Belgian Poison Centre is currently encountering with the data it receives from declarations made by industry.
The online session was also a platform where the participants could ask their questions concerning the different aspects of the declaration of hazardous mixtures in Luxembourg.
The presentations and the video are available on the event’s webpage.