Annex VIII CLP published

On the 23rd of March, the European Commission published in the Official Journal the Regulation (EU) 2017/542 introducing a new Annex (Annex VIII) to the CLP Regulation.  The aim of this Annex is to provide harmonised information relating to emergency health response in case of accidental exposure to chemicals.

This new Annex sets out the requirements that importers and downstream users, placing mixtures on the market, shall fulfil in respect of the submission of information so that appointed bodies shall have at their disposal the information to carry out the tasks for which they are responsible under Article 45 CLP.

Reminder: in Luxembourg, it’s the Belgian Poison Centre that is the appointed body according to Art. 45 CLP. Hence, companies have to declare information on hazardous mixtures they place on the Luxembourgish market directly to the Belgian Poison Centre. Further information can be found on the website of the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg.